Source code for requires

# Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd.
# This file is part of the PostgreSQL Client Interface for Juju charms.reactive
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of
# PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from collections import OrderedDict
import ipaddress
import itertools
import urllib.parse

from charmhelpers import context
from charmhelpers.core import hookenv
from charms.reactive import hook, scopes, RelationBase

# This data structure cannot be in an external library,
# as interfaces have no way to declare dependencies
# (
# It also must be defined in this file
# (
[docs]class ConnectionString(str): """A libpq connection string. >>> c = ConnectionString(host='', dbname='mydb', ... port=5432, user='anon', password='secret') ... >>> c 'host= dbname=mydb port=5432 user=anon password=secret Components may be accessed as attributes. >>> c.dbname 'mydb' >>> '' >>> c.port '5432' The standard URI format is also accessible: >>> c.uri 'postgresql://anon:secret@' """ def __new__(self, **kw): def quote(x): return str(x).replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'") c = " ".join("{}={}".format(k, quote(v)) for k, v in sorted(kw.items())) c = str.__new__(self, c) for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(c, k, v) self._keys = set(kw.keys()) # Construct the documented PostgreSQL URI for applications # that use this format. PostgreSQL docs refer to this as a # URI so we do do, even though it meets the requirements the # more specific term URL. fmt = ['postgresql://'] d = {k: urllib.parse.quote(v, safe='') for k, v in kw.items()} if 'user' in d: if 'password' in d: fmt.append('{user}:{password}@') else: fmt.append('{user}@') if 'host' in kw: try: hostaddr = ipaddress.ip_address(kw.get('hostaddr') or kw.get('host')) if isinstance(hostaddr, ipaddress.IPv6Address): d['hostaddr'] = '[{}]'.format(hostaddr) else: d['hostaddr'] = str(hostaddr) except ValueError: # Not an IP address, but hopefully a resolvable name. d['hostaddr'] = d['host'] del d['host'] fmt.append('{hostaddr}') if 'port' in d: fmt.append(':{port}') if 'dbname' in d: fmt.append('/{dbname}') main_keys = frozenset(['user', 'password', 'dbname', 'hostaddr', 'port']) extra_fmt = ['{}={{{}}}'.format(extra, extra) for extra in sorted(d.keys()) if extra not in main_keys] if extra_fmt: fmt.extend(['?', '&'.join(extra_fmt)]) c.uri = ''.join(fmt).format(**d) return c host = None dbname = None port = None user = None password = None uri = None def keys(self): return iter(self._keys) def items(self): return {k: self[k] for k in self.keys()}.items() def values(self): return iter(self[k] for k in self.keys()) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): return super(ConnectionString, self).__getitem__(key) try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: raise KeyError(key)
[docs]class ConnectionStrings(OrderedDict): """Collection of :class:`ConnectionString` for a relation. :class:`ConnectionString` may be accessed as a dictionary lookup by unit name, or more usefully by the master and standbys attributes. Note that the dictionary lookup may return None, when the database is not ready for use. """ relname = None relid = None def __init__(self, relid): super(ConnectionStrings, self).__init__() self.relname = relid.split(':', 1)[0] self.relid = relid relations = context.Relations() relation = relations[self.relname][relid] for unit, reldata in relation.items(): self[unit] = _cs(reldata) @property def master(self): """The :class:`ConnectionString` for the master, or None.""" relation = context.Relations()[self.relname][self.relid] masters = [unit for unit, reldata in relation.items() if reldata.get('state') in ('master', 'standalone')] if len(masters) == 1: return self[masters[0]] # One, and only one. else: # None ready, or multiple due to failover in progress. return None @property def standbys(self): """Iteration of :class:`ConnectionString` for active hot standbys.""" relation = context.Relations()[self.relname][self.relid] for unit, reldata in relation.items(): if reldata.get('state') == 'hot standby': conn_str = self[unit] if conn_str: yield conn_str
[docs]class PostgreSQLClient(RelationBase): """ PostgreSQL client interface. A client may be related to one or more PostgreSQL services. In most cases, a charm will only use a single PostgreSQL service being related for each relation defined in metadata.yaml (so one per relation name). To access the connection strings, use the master and standbys attributes:: @when('productdb.master.available') def setup_database(pgsql): conn_str = pgsql.master # A ConnectionString. update_db_conf(conn_str) @when('productdb.standbys.available') def setup_cache_databases(pgsql): set_cache_db_list(pgsql.standbys) # set of ConnectionString. In somecases, a relation name may be related to several PostgreSQL services. You can also access the ConnectionStrings for a particular service by relation id or by iterating over all of them:: @when('db.master.available') def set_dbs(pgsql): update_monitored_dbs(cs.master for cs in pgsql # ConnectionStrings. if cs.master) """ scope = scopes.SERVICE @hook('{requires:pgsql}-relation-joined') def joined(self): # There is at least one named relation self.set_state('{relation_name}.connected') hookenv.log('Joined {} relation'.format(hookenv.relation_id())) @hook('{requires:pgsql}-relation-{joined,changed,departed}') def changed(self): relid = hookenv.relation_id() cs = self[relid] # There is a master in this relation. self.toggle_state('{relation_name}.master.available', cs.master) # There is at least one standby in this relation. self.toggle_state('{relation_name}.standbys.available', cs.standbys) # There is at least one database in this relation. self.toggle_state('{relation_name}.database.available', cs.master or cs.standbys) # Ideally, we could turn logging off using a layer option # but that is not available for interfaces. if cs.master and cs.standbys: hookenv.log('Relation {} has master and standby ' 'databases available'.format(relid)) elif cs.master: hookenv.log('Relation {} has a master database available, ' 'but no standbys'.format(relid)) elif cs.standbys: hookenv.log('Relation {} only has standby databases ' 'available'.format(relid)) else: hookenv.log('Relation {} has no databases available'.format(relid)) @hook('{requires:pgsql}-relation-departed') def departed(self): if not any(u for u in hookenv.related_units() or [] if u != hookenv.remote_unit()): self.remove_state('{relation_name}.connected') self.conversation().depart() hookenv.log('Departed {} relation'.format(hookenv.relation_id()))
[docs] def set_database(self, dbname, relid=None): """Set the database that the named relations connect to. The PostgreSQL service will create the database if necessary. It will never remove it. :param dbname: The database name. If unspecified, the local service name is used. :param relid: relation id to send the database name setting to. If unset, the setting is broadcast to all relations sharing the relation name. """ for c in self.conversations(): if relid is None or c.namespace == relid: c.set_remote('database', dbname)
[docs] def set_roles(self, roles, relid=None): """Provide a set of roles to be granted to the database user. Granting permissions to roles allows you to grant database access to other charms. The PostgreSQL service will create the roles if necessary. """ if isinstance(roles, str): roles = [roles] roles = ','.join(sorted(roles)) for c in self.conversations(): if relid is None or c.namespace == relid: c.set_remote('roles', roles)
[docs] def set_extensions(self, extensions, relid=None): """Provide a set of extensions to be installed into the database. The PostgreSQL service will attempt to install the requested extensions into the database. Extensions not bundled with PostgreSQL are normally installed onto the PostgreSQL service using the `extra_packages` config setting. """ if isinstance(extensions, str): extensions = [extensions] extensions = ','.join(sorted(extensions)) for c in self.conversations(): if relid is None or c.namespace == relid: c.set_remote('extensions', extensions)
def __getitem__(self, relid): """:returns: :class:`ConnectionStrings` for the relation id.""" return ConnectionStrings(relid) def __iter__(self): """:returns: Iterator of :class:`ConnectionStrings` for this named relation, one per relation id. """ return iter(self[relid] for relid in context.Relations()[self.relation_name]) @property def master(self): ''':class:`ConnectionString` to the master, or None. If multiple PostgreSQL services are related using this relation name then the first master found is returned. ''' for cs in self: if cs.master: return cs.master @property def standbys(self): '''Set of class:`ConnectionString` to the read-only hot standbys. If multiple PostgreSQL services are related using this relation name then all standbys found are returned. ''' return set(itertools.chain(*(cs.standbys for cs in self)))
[docs] def connection_string(self, unit=None): ''':class:`ConnectionString` to the remote unit, or None. unit defaults to the active remote unit. You should normally use the master or standbys attributes rather than this method. If the unit is related multiple times using the same relation name, the first one found is returned. ''' if unit is None: unit = hookenv.remote_unit() relations = context.Relations() found = False for relation in relations[self.relation_name].values(): if unit in relation: found = True conn_str = _cs(relation[unit]) if conn_str: return conn_str if found: return None # unit found, but not yet ready. raise LookupError(unit) # unit not related.
def _cs(reldata): """Generate a ConnectionString from :class:``context.RelationData``""" if not reldata: return None d = dict(host=reldata.get('host'), port=reldata.get('port'), dbname=reldata.get('database'), user=reldata.get('user'), password=reldata.get('password')) if not all(d.values()): return None local_unit = hookenv.local_unit() if local_unit not in reldata.get('allowed-units', '').split(): return None # Not yet authorized locdata = context.Relations()[reldata.relname][reldata.relid].local if 'database' in locdata and locdata['database'] != d['dbname']: return None # Requested database does not match yet if 'roles' in locdata and locdata['roles'] != reldata.get('roles'): return None # Requested roles have not yet been assigned if 'extensions' in locdata and (locdata['extensions'] != reldata.get('extensions')): return None # Requested extensions have not yet been installed return ConnectionString(**d)